RVShare Review

RVShare Review 2024 → Favorite Pick of RV Rental Site

Bintang P. A 0.0 / 5 ratings 31 readers

About RVShare

The end of the year is almost here, but you have nothing on your itinerary? No, we won’t let it happen. Do you have any problem? What, no vehicle to go? Oh no, why did you take it as a problem? Let us bring RVShare to your life and see how it works!

RVShare Review: About RVShare
Image: facebook.com/rvshare

Hearing the name RVShare for the first time, what did you expect? No, we won’t do some red velvet-sharing type of thing. Since we talked about the trip, RV means Recreational Vehicle. It’s a place where vehicle owners and renters gather for transactions.

What transaction? Simply, RVShare provides tons of RVs from different owners on its web and app, and if you want to rent them, just go ahead. Since you have an obstacle in the vehicle, it’s a perfect solution, right? Then, what else is good about this rental platform?

Furthermore, the company has also gained more than 60k RV owners, with 100k RVs available in the 50 states of the USA. Even per year, an RV owner can earn money up to $40,000 by listing their own on the website. Don’t you know that number is insane?

Moreover, the company also has a verified official Facebook page with over 304k followers and 298k likes. Meanwhile, on other platforms like Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, we discovered more than 102k followers, which always increases daily. Have you followed?

We know you’re currently imagining yourself on a beautiful long trip with your lovely one, right? That should be the cutest thing that ever existed, period. But don’t make it your forever delusion, and read our RVShare reviews to make it real!

Overview Of RVShare

Having thousands of owners and more than 100k RVs to rent is such a massive achievement, right? But how did it all begin?

Let us bring you to meet Mark Jenney, the company’s founder. Everything started when Mark and his wife returned from their honeymoon RV trip.

It was 2013, and this spouse wanted to earn benefits from their RV when they were not using it. Long short story, he decided to offer a rental service for it.

RVShare was born as the alternative for travelers who want to commute easily to their dream destination. It makes every trip warmer, so there’s only good experience found.

Through the years, the company has collected many team members who work professionally. It then stimulates better service given to all renters and RV owners.

So, are you now having something to put on your itinerary? Well, we’re so happy to hear that. But let’s not finish it first before you stay with us until the final section!

RVShare Review

Are you a traveler looking for an RV for a family trip? Or are you a renter who wants to list your RV under the company?

RVShare Reviews: RVShare Review

It’s a nice occasion to make you both meet because (once again) RVShare is the best place for owners and renters to give benefits to each other.

Then, to make today’s review more specific, we’ll inform you about how this company works on renters and RV owners, as follows:

For renters Search for the best RV you want to ride/tow during your end-year trip on this page.
For owners Earn more benefits from your unoperated RV by listing them to the company on this page.

Furthermore, there are several types of RV services you can choose from. What are they?

Drivable RV Drive your own rented RV and enjoy your end-year family trip from Grand Canyon National Park to Vasa Park Resort!
Towable RV If you have a car already and want to tow an RV, it’s 100% possible. Rent a towable RV for your fantastic Lake Pleasant trip now!
RV with Delivery Service Fully enjoy your trip and let a driver bring you to your destination! Find out the deliverable RV service and take more moments at Arches National Park!

If you’re asking, ‘Can we just go to those places with RV?‘ Absolutely, no! Those places are just our recommendations, and you’ll find more suggestions for destinations on the company’s site.

Or do you have a dream destination already? Good, then. Meanwhile, what is on our plate today? Furthermore, here’s what we serve:

  • Rental RV in General
  • Dashboard for Renter and Owners
  • RV in Akron, Ohio

Then, have you got excited to dive deeper into RVShare? Therefore, let’s tune in to our reviews and find what RV you’ll choose to book at the end!

RVShare Rental RV in General Reviews

Dear all frustrated workers or stressed college students, you better throw all your tasks away and discuss your upcoming trip plan with us. What about reviewing Rental RV in General by RVShare to start?

RVShare Review: RVShare Rental RV in General Reviews

Fortunately, you’ll find many good news here. As we know, RVShare is reliable in providing RVs for travelers in all states. Moreover, this company hides more good things, and we’re here to reveal them!

First, it’s such a lovely trip to be able to bring the whole family on the road. But do you think about your pet as well? Now, it’s great news for all pet owners because some of the RVs here are also pet-friendly

Furthermore, you can click the ‘pet-friendly RVs‘ picture on the homepage and see what it shows. The result will give you several choices of RVs that accommodate pets, and choose the one you like.

Next, the company also offers many destination suggestions. You may expect a long list of national parks and campgrounds in the United States, from Joshua Tree to Channel Islands National Park.

Likewise, the ‘RV near me’ feature is also available to help you find the best RV around you. However, ensure to put the correct location so the system can effectively filter the one that is closest to you.

Meanwhile, the rental fee may vary based on the RV’s type, how long you’ll use it, and your chosen destination. But as we’ve searched on the website, the fee range starts from $110 for one person per night.

Also, don’t forget that the RV types are drivable, towable, and deliverable. So, choose the one you prefer, and promise us to upload your memorable trip pictures on social media!

RVShare Dashboard for Renter and Owners Reviews

Can an RV owner and renter connect through this company’s service? YES! RVShare is the first peer-to-peer RV rental site, by the way. So, how does the Dashboard for Renters and Owners work?

RVShare Review: RVShare Dashboard for Renter and Owners Reviews

Specifically, as we’ve mentioned earlier, the company’s website and application work to connect these people immediately. So, once you rent an RV, you’re in the right hands because you have direct access to the owner.

Let’s start with the renter first. As a renter, one of the benefits you’ll have while renting an RV is a worry-free rental guarantee. The company will guarantee your payment is safe with fraud screening to verify accounts.

In addition, when you experience problems during your trip, it’s all on the handle. The support team will always be available to reach out 24/7. Also, when the owner is not there to help, RVShare will automatically cover.

Then, let’s move to the owners. If you’re new to RVShare and want to list yours to them, it’s highly possible because the registration always opens. Also, you’ll have a rental expert to assist you in setting the listing, etc.

Besides that, you don’t have to worry about your RV’s protection. It’s because the company has been working with Crum & Forster Insurance company to protect yours financially in many aspects. So, what do you think?

Finally, how good do you think RVShare is? Whether being a renter or owner, you’ll get more benefits, and that should be your current goal. So, want to start now?

RVShare RV in Akron, Ohio Reviews

Do you live in Akron, Ohio, and want to get the best RV to go? It’s just a piece of cake since we have RVShare around. So, what will we have in RV in Akron, Ohio, review today? Please tune in to find out more!

RVShare Review: RVShare RV in Akron, Ohio Reviews

First of all, please use the filter tabs to look for the most suitable RV. It can be about the vehicle types, prices, planning trips, etc. You won’t go with the towable type if you don’t have a car, right?

After that, the website or application will bring you to the specific result, and please be careful reviewing each. It means you need to review each well, whether they suit your search or not.

Furthermore, we’ve tried to search for an RV with a pickup location or address around Akron, Ohio. Now, check the detailed results below: Location: Akron, Ohio Date: November 26-29, 2023 Guests: 2 people

  • What We Searched

Location: Akron, Ohio
Date: November 26-29, 2023
Guests: 2 people

  • The Pricing Result (3 cheapest)
RV’s names Prices/night The Distance from Akron, Ohio
CrossRoads RV Zinger Lite ZR252BH $85 11.2 miles
Jayco Jay Flights SLX 7 184 BS $100 22.3 miles
Coachmen RV Apex Nano 194BHS $105 15.5 miles

Well, those are the 3 cheapest results when you search for an RV in Akron, Ohio. However, those are not the fixed prices since you have different vacation day lengths.

So, have you filled half of your itinerary by now? Let’s prepare everything now and watch the most beautiful fireworks show at the end of the year with your lovely one!

How Does RVShare Work?

As we all know, RVShare is for both renters and RV owners. So, how does this company work for each? Let’s reveal everything in this section!

  • For renters

The following list may help you if you’re a renter:

  1. Open RVShare on the website or application (for iOS users only).
  2. Then, sign up with a new account ot login with your Google account
  3. Next, discover your RV (type the address, dates, and number of guests to filter specific results)
  4. Connect directly to the RV owner for further discussion
  5. Finally, finish the payment and enjoy your trip
  6. Once your holiday is done, return the RV to the owner with a full gas tank
  • For owners

Dear RV owners, check the following list to earn benefits with yours:

  1. Open RVShare on the website or application (for iOS users only).
  2. After that, sign up or login into your account
  3. Next, List your RV here (insert photos and detailed description as well).
  4. Review all rental requests and connect directly to the renters
  5. Then, meet the renters and show a demo (technical stuff, etc.)
  6. Finally, find your RV back home and earn money from the company

Are there easier steps than these? We don’t think so. Hence, whether you’re a renter or owner, get benefits from RVshare, now or never!

RVShare vs Outdoorsy

How do we compare RVShare with another company? To know the result, we bring Ourdoorsy to the battle ring, and let’s see how it ends!


  1. The charge the company gets from owners: around 25% of the total booking cost
  2. Cost for renters: 15-25%
  3. Referral for owners: $100
  4. Referral for renters: $25
  5. Insurance coverage: up to $1 million (liability coverage)
  6. Delivery service: Yes
  7. BBB Rating: A+


  1. The charge the company gets from owners: 20%-25% of the total booking cost
  2. Cost for renters: 20%
  3. Referral for owners: $75
  4. Referral for renters: $50
  5. Insurance coverage: up to $1 million (liability coverage)
  6. Delivery service: Yes
  7. BBB Rating: B

RVShare Pros and Cons

Well, have you learned much about RVShare? However, let us inform you that it’s not over yet. The following pros and cons points will make everything more clear for you:


  • Many types of RV
  • Available for delivery service
  • Accessible through browser and application
  • Available in all (50) states
  • Owners and renters can communicate directly
  • Many insurance coverages
  • Detailed product and service description
  • A+ certification from BBB (The Better Business Bureau)


  • There’s no app for Android
  • Some customers give complaints about the broken and inappropriate facilities in the RV

Who Is RVShare For?

Who do you think is the right person to use RVShare service? Of course, we have two types. First, the company service suits those with RVs but not in daily operation. Therefore, they can get money from it when someone comes to rent.

Second, it also suits travelers who don’t have a proper vehicle to go. They can enjoy many benefits, such as a delivery system, properties inside the RV, a towable RV (in case someone wants to ride his own car), etc. So, which type of person are you?

RVShare Review: What Do Customers Think?

Welcome to the testimonial section! We are here to show you how well-performed RVShare is. Are you curious? In addition, don’t miss several customer reviews below to ensure yourself before using the service from this company!

RVShare Review: RVShare Review: What Do Customers Think?

To begin, we found more than 15,8k ratings and reviews on Trustpilot, with an average rating of 4,3 out of 5. Do you want to know what people have said?

First, read what this customer wrote:

All processes, from renting to payment, were easy. The person we rented from was great to work with and willing to help us simplify the experience.

There are only good owners in RVShare, based on this customer. He was so happy because the whole process, from registration to payment, was easy.

Then, let’s move to another customer:

Our family had an excellent first-time experience using your service. Steve, the RV provider, was exceptional in delivery, communication, and service. Everything we needed was there.

If you’re new to RVShare, don’t be afraid. This customer was satisfied with his first service with the company because every aspect worked well.

Next, more good reviews are here:

My family and I take the same trip every year, but this year we added something new to the mix. Thanks to the amazing service we received from Rick, we rented an RV through this app that provided us with a high-quality vehicle that made the trip unforgettable. 

Now, can you see how reliable the company and its services are? Hopefully, this customer will have RVShare in his every annual trip ahead.

Finally, the last customer is here to make it complete:

… found this on Reddit and it has several ups, so I think it’s good. Apparently, working with RVshare was a nice as there were ample options for every budget and communication was seamless. I highly recommend as I was extremely satisfied.

Nice service always results in a nice experience and reviews. No doubt, this customer directly recommends the rental service to others after his 5-star trip.

Now, what else to deny from RVShare? All customers only left good reviews and are planning to book again in the future. Will you have a trip with this company too?

Is RVShare Worth It?

Will you believe in RVShare for your upcoming end-of-year trip? You should! The company has been serving RV rental sites for one decade, and many travelers leave good comments and ratings everywhere.

Therefore, we can only say that RVShare is 100% worth purchasing online rental services. You may find various vehicles there, with adjustable prices according to your holiday planning. From Alaska to Virginia, make your every move possible with it!

Is RVShare Legit?

What do you still doubt about this rental company? Do you think that they’re scammers? We claim they’re not. Since its operation, RVShare has gained lots of trust from both renters and owners.

Surprisingly, the number of members has reached 100k+, which keeps rising. In addition, it is also the most extensive and first person-to-person RV online rental site in the world. Therefore, you have no reason to call them scammers because RVShare is legit and fully trusted.

RVShare Cancellation Policy

Can you imagine how hectic it will be if you suddenly cancel your tomorrow trip? Yes, it’s super hectic, we can say. By the way, it also can happen to you. Then, how does the company’s cancellation policy work to overcome this?

  • For renters
Strict Flexible
Renters will get a full refund if they cancel 30 days before the rental date. Renters will get a full refund if they cancel 30 days before the rental date.
Booking is non-refundable if it’s less than 30 days before the rental date. A 50% refund is available if it’s less than 30 days before the rental date.
A 24-hour grace period is available to all bookings made 7+ days before the rental starts. A 24-hour grace period is available to all bookings made 7+ days before the rental starts.
  • For owners

The following information may educate all owners of RVShare:

  1. In case of extenuating circumstances, owners can cancel reservations with no negative consequences.
  2. Examples of conditions that do not allow cancellation are all written here.
  3. The company will review the owner’s account further. Also, there will be some improvements on its website to minimize cancellations.

How To Contact RVShare?

If you trust RVShare as your trip companion, make sure to always connected to the following platforms:

Company Address

609 Castle Ridge Rd Ste 202
Texas, Austin 78746-5368
United States

Where to buy RVShare?

Where and how can you enjoy satisfying service from RVShare? It’s an easy question to answer! Since the company is accessible through browsers and an application, you may choose one of them.

If you don’t want to spend more on phone storage, we suggest you use a browser. However, for easier access, it’s better to install the application. Unfortunately, you cannot expect it to have an app for Android users.

RVShare Coupon Codes & Promos

Do we have any discount lovers here? How many special offers do you think RVShare has right now? Check the following list to explore:

  • Subscribe to the email and get a chance to win up to $500 toward an RV Trip!
  • Join the affiliate program and earn up to 7% commission on the total booking
  • If you’re a renter, refer a friend and get up to a $25 gift card
  • If you’re an owner, refer a friend and get up to a $100 gift card

Well, those are the current offers from RVShare. Which one do you want to enjoy? Lastly, don’t forget to tap the following button to see more!

Reveal all coupons

RVShare Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When looking for RVShare reviews, customers typically ask the following questions. We provide the answers to help you in making a smart purchase decision.

Is RVShare safe?

Yes, RVShare is 100% safe to book.

What is RVShare?

RVShare is a peer-to-peer RV rental site.

Do people make money on RVShare?

Yes. Usually, RV owners list theirs to the company for rent and earn money from it.

Is RVShare and Outdoorsy the same company?

No, RVShare and Outdoorsy are not the same company, but work in a similar industry.

Ask a question?

Conclusion of RVShare Reviews & Ratings

If you watched Toy Story 4, you may know how Bonnie and her family were happy during a family trip with their loveable RV. So, do you want to be like Bonnie and her family? Then, the only choice you have is RVShare.

In this online rental company, you’ll have many choices of RV types, from drivable to towable and from Class A Motorhome to Fifth Wheel. But we won’t spill more since we’re at the final section already. Just prove yourself for this upcoming holiday, and we promise to find you among those customers’ good reviews. So, why not now?


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